Friday, January 21, 2011

Bed Rest

Pregnancy is supposed to be fun right?! Well at some points it can be, but to say the least the past 6 days have been scary and emotionally draining. The chaos started when I went to the ER last Saturday around midnight because I saw that I was bleeding. I was very shaken up, but I'm lucky to have a great husband who is as calm as can be. I had a sonogram done, and the baby was very active and moving around, so the doctor determined that everything was fine and told us not to worry. We ended up getting home from the ER around 4am and Travis woke up 3 hours later for church. I have no idea how he did it.

I rested all day on Sunday and went to work on Monday trying not to stress out about everything.  I had to go to my OB/GYN in the morning because I wasn't feeling right, well I am definitely glad that I went. It turns out I have an inflamed cervix, and my OB decided to put me on bed rest for a week. It scared me and I was a wreck because I am not the type that would enjoy being on bed rest. Travis quickly put me in check and told me that I would either be in bed, or on the couch because that's what my doctor ordered. Travis took over everything in the house, making breakfast and lunch for me, cooking dinner (he made chili for the first time!), cleaning, doing dishes, he even took down our 8 foot Christmas tree all by himself. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband, but it is driving me crazy that I can't do anything!

To occupy myself I have been watching a lot of tv, using my laptop, taking naps during the day (which is the one thing I have loved!), and trying not to do anything around the house. I have gotten yelled at numerous times by Travis to sit down and try not to clean up. My mother-in-law is here now and cooking up a storm and tackled our massive amount of laundry which we are both grateful for. I am looking forward to bed rest being over Sunday and everything hopefully being okay and back to normal. I will be 17 weeks on Sunday! I am praying for the rest of my pregnancy to be uneventful, and I look forward to Baby Yee being healthy and happy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

4 Months

4 months have past and we are still learning new things about pregnancy.  Somethings that one has to go through even though numerous books/blogs/comments all state the same thing.  I can read as much as I want about new dads to be and for husbands whose wife is pregnant, it is not the same until one experiences it.  While the ride is like a roller coaster, it is a ride that I hope does not end.  Every time I see the picture of the Ultra Sound, I am amazed that God has blessed us with a child.  Keep up the Good Work Phyllis and I hope the child loves Orange and Blue.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We are Pregnant!!

Travis and I are expecting a baby on July 3, 2011! It feels so good that everyone finally knows. We are so excited, and decided to start this blog to keep our family and friends up to date about what is going on in our lives, the joys and lows of pregnancy and all the fun things life has to offer. 

We first found out that I was pregnant on October 20, 2010, and I had my first OB/GYN appointment about a week later. My OB determined that I was going to be due on June 19, 2010 which happened to be Father's Day, which we were very happy about. My first sonogram was on November 9th, and it was absolutely amazing to see. 
The tiny heartbeat was beating on the screen, and we couldn't believe that was the baby. I think at that point it had finally hit me that I was pregnant. Three days later my OB determined that I was earlier than he thought I originally was because the baby was measuring at 6 weeks. So now my new due date is July 3rd, so we could possibly have a holiday baby!

I've had several appointments and everything seems to be going very well so far. I haven't experienced much morning sickness, but the fatigue has been horrendous. The first 10 weeks were the worst, and I wasn't sleeping much. I rarely sleep through the night anymore, I thought I was supposed to always be tired! I had my first trimester ultra screening on December 15th and Baby Yee is right on track and healthy.
Not sure why I can't rotate this pic!
We will be finding out the sex of the baby hopefully by the beginning of February. So anxious about it, can't wait to know! I already have themes in mind for the nursery depending on the sex of the baby.

Can't wait to meet Baby Yee! That's all for now, still trying to get used to writing on this thing. I'm sure you will hear from Travis at some point!
